5 Reasons to Try Pilates at Home

5 Reasons to Try Pilates at Home

5 Reasons to Try Pilates at Home Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on improving flexibility, strength, and coordination through a series of low-impact movements. It was created by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century and has since become a popular workout...
Why should I work out

Why should I work out

Why should I work out? Why don’t you work out, is it because: I don’t have time I don’t have space I don’t have the money I don’t like to workout Why do I need to work out? I’m healthy like others I move around enough at work already, I don’t need to work out As our...
4 easy steps to keep working out at home

4 easy steps to keep working out at home

4 easy steps to keep working out at home It can be super challenging to continue working out at home. If you have a family or share your home, often the space, noise and time is an issue. Also, you may just lack the motivation to work out. Home is our place to relax,...